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where’s your phone?

Okay,  it’s official…. I am OVER American’s addiction to cell phones.  Those things are NOT growing out of your hand.  You can turn them off and keep breathing.  Seriously.  Nothing will happen.  There will be no loss of life or body parts.  Be brave… try it for 5 minutes.  You can do it.  Just lay it down in front of you.  I know you won’t make it with out eye contact.  Now reach over and mash the little button that turns if off.  Just do it!  Ok… try again.  You will not stop breathing… I promise.  Ok.. rest for a minute,  then try again.  Worse than smoking or drugs, huh?  Got the shakes?  Do you have any memories of BEFORE you got addicted to that phone?  Didn’t think so. 

Let me tell you how the minority lives with your addiction.  Oh, yes.  It affects everyone around you.  I now have fear of intersections.  97% of drivers cannot turn a corner without a cell phone in one hand… sometimes 2 hands.  The new big expensive cells need two hands,  so they use their elbow to turn.   

It doesn’t matter how much I pay for a meal,  I’m forced to listen to what you need to get from the grocery store, how’s the dog feeling,  how about that foot ball game.  I have NEVER over heard an emergency.  Not once.  I have never seen someone jump up and scream they just got a call about their loved one being hurt.  But I have listened to movie details. 

Let me tell you about my bruises.  It seems no one can go to the grocery store now with a list.  Why a list when they have a cell phone.  Of coarse it’s really hard to push a cart and hold the phone and talk and look at produce all at the same time.  So those buggies/carts become weapons.  You have ran over my toe one too many times.  Turn the phone off. 

But my biggest complaint is at the hospital.  The waiting rooms have become phone booths.  Seriously.  Waiting for tests I have listened to whole conversations about how hot so & so’s date was last night.  Or whether he caught fish last week,  and what they were using as bait.  All the while the woman next to me was waiting for her test and results about her brain tumor.  How much time did she have.  I didn’t hear that over a cell phone.  She told me that face to face with tears in her eyes.  Oh,  I forgot.  The guy fishing… he also wanted to know about how the cow was feeling. 

I know every cell phone user isn’t the villian.  But take a real honest look at how you do use it.  How many calls do you get when you’re suppose to be spending time with a friend.  Do you do business on it in the Dr’s waiting room?  Oh,  I know it’s very important.  If  it were that important you should be in your office/car/home taking care of business wouldn’t ya think?  

Alright,  I’ll put my soap box back under the bed for now.  No applause needed.  🙂   As long as ya’ll insist on sharing your every conversation with me… I’m gonna share with you how I feel about it.  LOL 

The polite cell phone addicts take it outside.  I love those people.  And they don’t scream over it.  Did you know that if it’s a bad connection… screaming doesn’t fix it?  Really.   a fun place to shop for folk art

8 responses

  1. Ann

    Well, P.J. I have now dragged my soap box out of the closet. Thank you so much for posting this. Cell phones have made people so uncaring and disrespectful. The worst part is they even have them on in Church. There phone rings 5 times cause purse is in the floor, and they have to rummage around in that “nap sack” to find the phone and get it turned off. Cell phones have created Monsters.. LOL…. I have a cell phone, turned on when needed.. and ya know what? I really don’t need it.. Why in the world did I ever get one? Because all the Smith’s and Jones’ have them? Probably.. Common sense really is helpful when it comes to cell phones. Oh geesshhh, didn’t mean to write a novel here, but ya found one of my pet peeves.. You are amazing my friend.. Again, thanks for posting…

    04/17/2011 at 7:01 pm

    • Ann, they’re in Church too? Those things have made a lot of nice people into idiots. And very selfish. Well, there goes the idea of the Volunteer Coordinator. She suggested I sit in the Hospital Chapel. LOL Guess she hasn’t been in there for a while. I have a pay as you go cell phone. It’s never charged… I never use the time I’ve paid for. I try to keep in mind what I did all those years without one. I did just fine, and was never interrupted when I was having fun, doing business, or spending time with a valued friend. I think I’ll keep it that way. Thanks Ann. If enough of us speak up, maybe a few will be embarrassed by their addiction to their latest toy. LOL —– Original Message —–

      04/17/2011 at 8:33 pm

  2. :)xo

    04/17/2011 at 1:32 am

    • Sarah…. 😉 xoxo —– Original Message —–

      04/17/2011 at 1:53 am

  3. Gabrielle

    Well this is a fantastic piece of writing. Fabulous!

    04/16/2011 at 6:02 pm

    • Thank you ! —– Original Message —–

      04/16/2011 at 6:07 pm

  4. P.J., I agree with the piece about the cell phone. It really annoys me at times. The other day I counted how many people driving were using the phone. Unbelievable! Today an ambulance was trying to get by a woman on her cell phone. The woman never pulled over so the drive had to pass her on the right side of the road. I was thinking what if someone she loved was waiting for that medical care. Life has just got way to fast for me.

    04/16/2011 at 5:18 pm

    • Bonnie, it seems like we’ve lost our common sense. Now it’s a status symbol to be seen with that expensive phone in your hand. Even if you run over someone doing it. Crazy addiction. I wish more offices/waiting rooms, elevators, etc. had ‘NO CELL PHONES’ signs. That would make me really happy. LOL —– Original Message —–

      04/16/2011 at 5:25 pm