folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art folk art


Landscape WIP

Just had to show you how this painting is coming along.  They’re having a sale day.  Chairs, pigs, watermelons, chickens, pumkins, and lots more will be 4 sale.   Can’t wait to see what else they drag out.  Don’t you just love a good sale?  I know I do. 🙂

Hope to have this finished in the next couple of days…. check back to see my progress.  Thanks for your interest in my art.  You are much appreciated!  a nice place to look for a bargain…

Chairs… tiny chairs

Richard’s been busy again. His chairs are so cool!
PaPa chair is 12″ tall, MaMa chair is 7″ tall,
Baby chair is 3.5″ tall.
They will stack on top of each other.
for more details!
Have a great day. ~PJ

another award!

Can you believe it? I got another award! I put it on the fridge next to the other one. It’s a picture of Marie somebody… think she did something famous. Anywho, Laurie, that sweet woman that has those Monkeys & Cats at her house gave it to me. Wasn’t that nice?
I think the rules go like this. I’m suppose to list a few people that need.. now what was that.. hmmm… advice, I think it was advice. OK, here goes…
Loretta~stop wearing those shorts, your legs are slapping each other.
Lisa Lynn~ don’t be wearing those big flowery dresses.. there’s too much movement going on back there…
Billy Bob~ everybody’s wise to the lace, you’re gonna have to give it up.
Joe Bob~ honey, you stutter real bad..and you’ve got to do something about that nose hair…
Jenny Joe, give up that blue eyeliner, it’s clear up to your eyebrow…

That’s enough for today. The rest would have to be anonymous anyway.
Thank you Laurie, this was fun!

Studio Fun!

New Studio Details…
My TV needed a little something… I don’t think we’re renting’ that dish thing…

Here she is world… Matilda! She drives like a Beamer… so smooth. Yes, she loves her polka dots…

Don’t ya just love the ball fringe on my new shelves? It just adds that special somethin’…

I love old jars and old buttons… together…

Another corner…

Oh… I do love Pot Head…

And my decorated band saw…

My light bill before they turn it off…